Membership to ALPSA is open to all scholars and professionals working in political science and related fields, as well as graduate and undergraduate students in political science and related fields.
Benefits of membership include:
opportunity to meet and network with
colleagues working in the field;
opportunities for publishing and funding, such as travel grants and sponsorships;
opportunities to teach and contribute to strengthening the field of political science in Albanian-language institutions of higher education;
participation in all events organized by ALPSA;
free subscription to printed edition of Southeast European Politics
(when printed edition becomes available).
To apply for membership at the Albanian Political Science Association (ALPSA), please send an e-mail with the following information to
First and last name
Highest degree earned and institution
Current position
Current location
You can also apply for membership by writing to:
P.O. Box 8199
Tirana, Albania
Copyright ©
2000-2004 the Albanian Political Science Association
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